Sunday, November 9, 2014

Movies = The Visual Books

Movies, Movies and Movies !! 

Very big industry nowadays, generating billions of dollars worldwide. Which makes many people always wanting to come and work in this industry. But was the money making only purpose of movie-making, when it was started almost a century ago. I think, I should not go into much details of history. One can just refer wikipedia for that. Those guys have put sufficient information on the website. Anyway, I would like to just share my point of view with others about movies. 

According to me, movies carry very important place in the society. As many people say, movies are reflections of society and vice a versa, which is quiet evident from the fact, that movies are used during war times as propaganda. So the place of movies is very important to move the society in the positive direction. 

For me, movies are essentially an "Art" form. It is an effort of a bunch of people together, to present its viewer an unforgettable memory for rest of his life. A good film can change an individual's life forever. Though the sole purpose of any kind of movie is to entertain people, but it is more than that. 
Few days back I came across an interview on television. The interview was one of the richest and influential person in the world Mr. Jack Ma, Chairman of Alibaba Group. The interview was on the occasion of launch of his company's IPO. In the interview, he was asked by the interviewer "What you did before coming for this big occasion?". His answer was quite surprising, he said "I watched the movie Forrest Gump". He further said, the movie shows anyone can achieve impossible in the world, so I am here in front of you guys. 

As this blog is named, movies are like reading a very good book, within the span of three hours. I really appreciate the movie directors, who are able to convey some really complicated topics and subjects through their lens. I sincerely do not want to disrespect the writers community here, but I seriously think, movies has better power and reach than books. (Actually, to write a script for movie a writers are the one who play very important role)

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